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When do you start working with students?

Ideally work begins with a student in late 10th grade in order to maximize the relationship leading to the most impactful relationship. Many students begin the exploring the admission process with Diana in the summer before Junior year or in the fall of Junior year. A later start is possible but allows less time and opportunity to positively impact a students admission portfolio. Diana encourages students to begin thinking about the process in 9th grade and early 10th grade.  Indeed a few consultations in these earlier years can have a very positive impact in a students focus and high school performance.

Do you work with students who are not athletes or swimmers?

Diana greatly enjoys the journey of guiding and inspiring all students and welcomes exploring, encouraging and developing their wide range of interests.  The process and applications for all students is basically the same whereby every student has their own unique interests to showcase and stories to tell.

How do you keep a student on task and on track while giving them space to take ownership of the process?

Timelines, regular contact through meetings, emails, messages, parental input and their own page with a comprehensive dashboard on CollegePlannerPro:  


What is the role of parents in the admission process?

Parents are absolutely key team players when guiding their students. They provide crucial input with all major decisions. Parents are included in all steps of the admission process and are very welcome to communicate with Diana at any time. At the same time Diana provides foundational support so that the student matures and takes ownership of the process. For greatest success it is crucial that they internalize and believe in the decisions that are made for their own future.  
Each family defines their path of working together. Some parents work side by side with their students while many more have Diana take a strong lead in order to minimize tension in the parental relationship. Diana welcomes an active working relationship with parents as much as with students.

What does an Independent Educational Consultant do and what are their professional ethical guidelines?

An excellent summary of the role of an IEC can be found in this blog post by IEC Nancy Griesemer:

  Diana and all IEC's strictly follows the standards indicated in the Statement of Principles of Good Practice as set forth by NACAC (National Association for College Admissions Counseling). 

What tasks will Diana not do for students?

An ethical advisor will not do the following major admission tasks:

  • Guarantee a student will be admitted to a particular college. 

  • Write  essays or fill out application forms. 

  • Contact any admissions office to promote an application. 

  • Write the counselor recommendation. 

How do we get started?

Begin by thinking through the areas where you and your student would benefit from guidance and support with the college admission process. Then please E mail Diana and request a complementary 30 minute conversation about your student and the work we could do together. In the e mail please include the following information about your student: age, year of high school graduation, academic information, a few universities your student is thinking about and extracurricular interests. If your student is an athlete please share their level of competition, times etc....


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